Legal Requirements (R)
Laws, Regulations, Norms, Standards (technical/professional, commercial, ecological, occupational safety)
Legal requirements in development, programming and testing of software applications and solutions in Germany, Italy, Serbia and Spain consist of:
- GDPR: Data protection and privacy in the EU.
- HIPAA: Protection of healthcare information.
- CCPA: Consumer data rights and business transparency.
- ISO/IEC 27001: Information security management.
- PCI DSS: Security for cardholder data.
- DMCA: Protection of digital intellectual property.
- NIST: Cybersecurity risk management.
- DIN/ISO/IEC Standards (9126, 61508, 62304, etc.)
- General Terms and Conditions (AGB)
- German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch)
- Software licences
- OER licences
- Compliance with commercial and occupational safety regulations.
This is a selection of legal requirements. The list does not claim to be exhaustive.